Implant-supported dentures are dentures which are supported by fixed implants and not the gums.
These dentures are sturdy and reliable. They are ideal for people who are unable to tolerate the sensation of the denture covering your entire mouth. These dentures can slip or move if we lose all of our teeth.
Implants that anchor and support dentures will allow you to eat better, speak clearly, and smile more confidently.
Mind The Gap Dental offers both a fixed and removable option for our dental implants. We can discuss these further at our initial consultation.
These dentures are attached or supported by dental implants. Regular dentures rest on the gums, so they are less stable. Implant-supported dentures have special attachments that attach to the implants. This provides better retention. It can be used in either the top or bottom jaw.
Depending on the location, this denture retention system uses 2 to 4 implants. For the jaw, at least 4 implants must be placed. For the lower jaw, only 2 implants are required to make a difference in function and fit. Milled bars can also be used to connect these implants, providing better support, fit and function.
These are sometimes called All on 4 or All on 4 Plus, and All on 6.
This involves the placement of a complete set of teeth, which are attached to either 4 or 6 implants. This procedure can make a huge difference in your life. It improves speech, facial balance, and aesthetics.
It can replace dentures and replace any existing ones. This is an ideal option for those who have worn removable dentures for a prolonged period. Fixed implant-supported dentures can be used to replace missing teeth and restore soft tissue contours. Extra lip and facial support is often required for people with gum disease.
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